Fifteen years ago today, our nation was shaken by terrorizing events. These tragic events made us reflect on what is truly important and it united us even more as a nation. On Sept. 11, 2001 I was in my dance class in high school confused about what had just happened and how it would affect our nation. Today I sit here, spending a day at the park with my sister in law who is a couple days towards delivering. I reflect on how fortunate we are to have each other and be able to see our children play and grow up together. Years to come, I will share these images with Olive. I will tell her about the tragic events of 9/11 and how it made us stronger. She will grow up treasuring every moment and never taking anything for granted. And she will especially know, that we are so blessed to be Mexican Americans.
I am forever thankful of those who risk their lives everyday for our nation. Thank you to the families who sacrifice their loved ones being away. Thank you both for your service.