I recently took a quick trip to Austin & San Antonio to celebrate my twin nieces, Mary & Andrea’s baptism. This was the first time I’d be flying and traveling with Olive all at once. Andrew was unable to join us this time, so doing it all alone was an overwhelming thought. Carrying 2 luggage bags + diaper bag + carseat was not something I was looking forward to. I tried to look up posts or articles on traveling nursing mothers to get any advice on what to do/what not to do to make my travels as smooth as possible. Unfortunately I didnt find much online, but instead I got a lot of feedback from sisters & friends. I soon realized that as moms, or just as people we sometimes make a new experience be bigger and more horrible than it actually is. I then focused on what I actually went for and less on the traveling part. My favorite part of the trip was seeing Olive, the twins & Luke spend time together & capturing that made it all worth it. Below are some photos I wanted to share of my trip and the baptism.